Spotlight – March 2024 – DIDD

Green background with two lights at the left and right top. "Spotlight" is written in the center. Pathfinder logo is used as the "o" in "spotlight." TN's DIDD logo is on the bottom.

The Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) is the state agency responsible for oversight of services and support to Tennesseans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Every day, the department strives to support approximately 12,000 people to live rewarding and fulfilling lives through Medicaid waiver Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), the MAPs Program, and the… Read more Spotlight – March 2024 – DIDD

Adult Changing Tables to Bring More Accessible Travel and Business to Tennessee

Light blue background image with image of a changing table in a circle at top and the levers in a smaller circle at bottom of image. To the right of image is a young man with red hair sitting on a changing table and a woman with dark hair assisting him. Text to the left of image: "DIDD's new $1million grant program will support Tennessee businesses and municipal governments to install adult-size changing tables. This will allow people of all ages and abilities to access safe, dignifie, and hygienic toileting experiences across the sate!" Text at bottom of image: Apply for a $%k grant from DIDD! TN.GOV/DIDD." Text to the right of image "Increasing Access Across Tennessee ADULT SIZE CHANGING TABLES."

Adult Changing Tables to Bring More Accessible Travel and Business to Tennessee The state of Tennessee has made a significant investment in creating more accessible, hygienic toileting experiences for people with disabilities and their families. In the 2023 budget, the TN General Assembly allocated $1 million to the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD)… Read more Adult Changing Tables to Bring More Accessible Travel and Business to Tennessee