Tennessee Disability Pathfinder offers a growing library of disability resources available at TNPathfinder.org.
Metro Parks Senior Recreation Program provides services and activities specifically designed for Older Adults, those who are 55 years of age and older. Three designated senior sites; East, Elizabeth, and Hadley, along with nine satellite programs in neighborhood centers, provide a variety of programs including visual arts, dance, crafts, and other recreational pursuits.
Metro Parks and the Metro Department of Social Services partner to help Nashville’s senior residents meet the challenges of a new day. The partnership provides direct services to extended families and people who are elderly, disabled or homeless. Services offered include Adult and Family Support Services, Information and Referral Services, Grief Counseling, Adult Homemaker Program, Burial Assistance, Relative Caregiver Assistance, and Homeless Services.
In addition, Metro Transit Authority (WeGo Transit) Access Ride provides transportation for seniors 60 and over Monday through Friday to meal sites, medical appointments and other important destinations. The program also makes provisions to transport large groups to entertainment and educational venues.
The Senior Dining program offers a noon meal each Monday thru Friday, in a group setting. This service also provides participants the opportunity for interaction with other seniors. A variety of additional activities are available. The program is available to persons age 60 and over and their spouses, regardless of their age. Although there is no charge for meals, the nutrition program encourages donations.
Senior Dance Clubs are also offered through the Senior Program. These clubs not only give seniors an opportunity to fellowship with other seniors as they practice and develop new dance routines, but it is also an excellent exercise for cardiovascular health. Our dance clubs have grown in popularity and are often called on to perform throughout the city for events ranging from grand openings of new facilities to performing at schools, theaters, cultural celebrations, and more. Several community centers have their own dance clubs and information can be found at each senior recreation location.
A new collaboration between Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Ingram Cancer Center and the Matthew Walker Comprehensive Center is bringing affordable cancer screenings to the LatinX community. The Program will have screenings twice a month – on the first and last Thursday of each month. There is a sliding fee for the following screenings: Breast, Cervical, Colon and Annual men check-ups. Requirement for screenings is age, proof of income and proof of residence in Tennessee. Contact Erika Digby for appointments and referrals at 919-749-9906.
Please note that although the service serves Tennessee residents, it is not limited to Tennesse residents. Please contact Erika prior to referral with residence information if you live outside of Tennessee.