How to Prepare Students with Special Needs for Back-to-School

White with black education graphics bckground image with a brown wooden framed black chalkboard with chalk text, "How to Prepare students with Special Needs for Back to School." There are chalk drawings of a pencil, ruler, multiplication and division signs in the center for the image and a chalk White with black education graphics bckground image with a brown wooden framed black chalkboard with chalk text, "How to Prepare students with Special Needs for Back to School." There are chalk drawings of a pencil, ruler, multiplication and division signs in the center for the image and a chalk graphic of an apple replaces the letter 'o' in the word "to.

Back-to-school time can be overwhelming for parents and students alike. For parents and students with special needs, starting a new school year can be extra complicated. Using the five tips below can make this change easier for everyone.  1. Organize  A great first step in getting ready for back-to-school is to organize your paperwork. There… Read more How to Prepare Students with Special Needs for Back-to-School

Building an Effective Home-School Partnership: Where Do I Start?

Image of a colorful drawing of a diverse group of people wearing multiple colored tops.

Children do their best when they have the skills, support, and motivation to do so. By collaborating with your child’s school, you increase opportunities for your child to get the support they need. A home-school partnership capitalizes on your child’s skills, your knowledge of your child, and educators’ knowledge of learning and development. By partnering… Read more Building an Effective Home-School Partnership: Where Do I Start?

Discover the Heartwarming Mission of The Center for Courageous Kids

Image of an African American man wearing a blue shirt with an African American male child in a wheelchair wearing a blue t-shirt. They are outside and the man is leaning over the boy showing him an archery device.

Nestled amidst the serene countryside of Scottsville, Kentucky, lies a place where courage knows no bounds and dreams take flight. Welcome to The Center for Courageous Kids (CCK), a haven of hope and healing for children living with various medical complexities. At CCK, every moment is infused with compassion and joy, offering children and their… Read more Discover the Heartwarming Mission of The Center for Courageous Kids

In the Know – Supporting Strong Transitions for Youth with Disabilities

Black background image with Pathfinder's logo in the upper left corner. On the left of the image is text "in the Know," with an arror pointing to the right. On the bottom left of the image "Ground breaking information that affects the disability community." Three yellow stars on the right side of the image surrounding an image of the Transition Tennessee website home page. On the bottom right of the image on a light green color block is

To effectively spread awareness about things that matter to people in the community, we’ve chosen to share information shared by community partners directly from the source. Transition is a critical period for young people with disabilities as they move from adolescence into adulthood. It is about planning for life and includes post-secondary education and learning… Read more In the Know – Supporting Strong Transitions for Youth with Disabilities

DiverseAbility – August 2024

Light blue background image with graphics on the left of a diverse group of people with diverse abilities. On the right center of the image is text, "DiverseAbility Diverse Abilities Resources for Diverse Communities." Pathfinder's branded graphic is on the bottom right of the image centered below the text.

Navigating resources can be difficult, but cultural and language differences can make it even more challenging. We’re spotlighting programs and sharing resources that address these issues and promote diversity and inclusion.   Multicultural As the new school year approaches, Pathfinder’s Multicultural Team wants to remind parents that you’re not alone. Weather your child is starting… Read more DiverseAbility – August 2024