Dear Friends of Pathfinder,
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season, and 2025 is already off to a great start!
As I do at the beginning of every year, I like to reflect on the past year and plan for the year to come. Like previous years, I am proud of what we accomplished at Pathfinder in 2024. A few highlights included saying farewell to a team member and welcoming a new one, recruiting Pathfinder Ambassadors to help us with outreach in underserved rural counties, adding LiveChat to assist individuals on our website, and offering our most inclusive webinar about Pathfinder that included simultaneous interpreters in ASL, Spanish, and Arabic. Of course, we also continued providing one-on-one assistance to an increasing number of individuals needing services, adding and updating website resources, presenting at various meetings and conferences, and disseminating valuable disability-related information through our communications.
As we embark on a new year, I look forward to Pathfinder continuing to build upon our successes. One of our most exciting developments includes our growing team. As we strive to increase access to disability information and services, especially among underserved populations, we are pleased to introduce Ace Brooks as our new West Tennessee Services Coordinator. Ace is a great addition to Pathfinder, and I hope you will join me in welcoming him. In the next couple of months, we will also be expanding our Multicultural Services to include another new team member. We’ll also be sure to introduce that person in a future newsletter. Keep your eyes open for other developments, such as upcoming webinars and ongoing additions made to the website, that we will continue to share with you in our newsletters and on social media.
We remain grateful for the support we receive from numerous individuals and organizations throughout the state. Without the financial support from our funding partners, referrals from individuals, invitations to present at meetings, and help promoting our work, Pathfinder would not be able to successfully fulfill our mission and continue to grow.
From all of us at Pathfinder, we thank you and wish you a year filled with happiness and good health!
All the best,
Megan Hart, M.Ed.
Program Director
Tennessee Disability Pathfinder