Resource Corner – September 2023

Green and centered white color block background image with light green sunburst on the right side of the image. Text in the white color block "Resource Corner." On the top left of the image is a circular framed photo of Pathfinder's website on a laptop screen. To the bottom right of the image is Pathfinder's branded graphic in a white circular frame. On the bottom right of image on a small white geometical shaped color block is text, ""
Tennessee Disability Pathfinder offers a growing library of disability resources available at In addition to the growing directory of resources on Pathfinder’s website, here are some we’re highlighting this month

Need help paying bills?

Programs in Tennessee, most of which are offered by the Department of Human Services, can help people with disabilities and their families. Any type of aid and support provided to individuals with a disability is in addition to the standard government and non-profit resources that are available to the general population.

The State, sometimes in partnership with non-profit organizations will work with individuals to ensure they receive the assistance they need, through a wide range of services both short and long-term. Their families and caregivers may also receive help. Families can receive benefits such as medical care, job and vocational training, financial assistance, housing, home care, and more.

So who can help?

As mentioned earlier, one of the leading organizations to contact for financial assistances is the Department of Human Services.  They provide several programs and work with different agencies in Tennessee to provide assistance. Contact them on their toll free number (800) 628-7818.

A number of government financial resources are also available for residents with a disability that meet income conditions. A few examples include the following.

  • Families First (TANF), which is cash assistance for basic needs.
  • Adult Day Care and Protective Services.
  • For disability applications, including SSDI, that were rejected, get help with appeals, hearings, and Disability Determination Services.
  • Food assistance from SNAP, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and Summer Food.
  • Programs focused on the disabled including Blind, Deaf & Visually Impaired Services.
  • Financial aid for mostly utility bills and the Home Energy Assistance program.
  • Health care and applications for Medicaid/TennCare.

If you need help finding any resources, you can always call Pathfinder at (800) 640-4636 or search our website at


Enrich icons

Introducing your path to financial empowerment

The Tennessee Department of Treasury along with the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission has launched the Enrich platform as a way to provide trustworthy financial education to impact Tennesseans. Enrich is a free online financial education tool provided by the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission. It contains courses covering financial topics including Planning for Retirement, Repaying Your Student Loans, Understanding Credit Reports and Scores, Saving for a Child’s Education, and much more. Click here to find out more information and to launch the Enrich tool.

Also offered is self-paced education in interactive courses. Each course helps adults explore the basics of each financial topic, explaining its impact on daily life and providing tips on how to apply best practices to develop smart financial habits. Sign up for your first course.