The Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) is designated as the Area Agency on Aging and Disability for 13 counties in Middle Tennessee. They coordinate the delivery of services to older adults, adults with disabilities, and their families and help them navigate community resources and the long-term care system. Services include Medicare counseling, home-and-community based services, and family caregiver support programs, which offers reimbursement for respite.
GNRC’s Information and Assistance Helpline is 615-255-1010.
GNRC is part of a national network of State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP). SHIP is a Federal Administration for Community Living (ACL) grant program that helps states enhance and support Medicare beneficiaries through local programs, staff and volunteer counselors.
GNRC’s Medicare Counselors provide free, confidential and non-biased information to Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives and those who will soon be eligible for Medicare. Community members can call 1-877-801-0044 to ask their Medicare questions or complete this form to have a counselor contact them.
Many of their resources are available in Spanish, including their Medicare 101 informational video. Language services are available through both helplines listed above.