Tennessee Disability Services Study

clipboard with survey

Support the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and disability organizations across Tennessee! How do you find disability information and services? What makes this hard? What would work better?

Share your input on this important statewide survey: www.tndisabilitysurvey.org

This unique study is led by Vanderbilt University, Tennessee Disability Pathfinder, and the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities. They want to find better ways of connecting individuals with disabilities, families, teachers, service providers, and other disability professionals with relevant information and resources. But they need your input!

Everyone completing the survey can request free disability publications and be entered into a drawing for one of 100 gift cards ($20 each). They hope to hear from more than 3,000 Tennesseans with disabilities, their families, and the professionals or providers who serve them.

Contact Emily Lanchak at emily.r.lanchak@vanderbilt.edu or 615-343-9664 with questions.