Two Babies Born Blind Lead to Two Moms on a Mission

Stacy and Nathaniel’s Story Nathaniel is a joyful, independent, fun-loving four-and-a-half-year-old boy despite having gone through more medical treatments than most of us will experience in a lifetime. He is also legally blind. He has some light perception in one eye and the bone marrow transplant that saved his life also spared his hearing from… Read more Two Babies Born Blind Lead to Two Moms on a Mission

Developmental Disabilities and a Second Language

Teacher in front of chalkboard teaching multiple students Spanish

Can a child with developmental disabilities (DD) learn a second language? Over the years, as we have become more generalized, the perception that learning multiple languages can be difficult has increased, and even harder when it comes to a child with a disability. We generally believe that bilingualism is a long way from special education, and… Read more Developmental Disabilities and a Second Language

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

multicolor image of artwork with "Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month" & #DDawareness2021

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), partners with other disability organizations, advocates, DD Councils, UCEEDS, P&As, and many others to create a campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities. The campaign… Read more Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Celebrating National Nutrition Month

It’s National Nutrition Month! This yearly campaign was created to invite everyone to learn about making healthy food and eating choices, and to create physical activity habits. This year’s theme is Personalize Your Plate, a highly individualized approach unique to every individual because we all have different bodies, goals, backgrounds, interests and tastes. The four… Read more Celebrating National Nutrition Month

My Experience as a LEND Trainee

Zoom call with multiple people appearing in squares.

It’s National Nutrition Month and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month! So, during this special month, I thought I’d share my experience as a LEND Dietetic trainee. As a Vanderbilt Consortium Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) trainee, I serve those with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities (NDRDs). The LEND program prepares future health professionals to assume leadership… Read more My Experience as a LEND Trainee

Upcoming Events – March 2021

Clipart of calendar in black and red lines

For these and other events visit our Community Calendar or follow us on social media. March 24: Navigating a New Normal Workshop: Managing Your Plan Care March 25: Families First Workshop: Developing Successful Sleep Habits Part 2 April 1: The Challenge of Health Equity in Clinical Research April 19-21:  Disability Policy Seminar          

Resource Corner – Developmental Disabilities & Nutrition

Green tile background with Tennessee Disability Pathfinder compass logo in upper left corner and words "Resource Corner" in cursive font in middle right.

Wellness Challenge Coloring Book Practice healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors each day. Once the activity is complete, color it in! How many challenges can you complete? Download here.   Quick Tips for Supporting Social Engagement Brought to you by Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD) Have questions about supporting social engagement?… Read more Resource Corner – Developmental Disabilities & Nutrition